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Engineering Class

Career Literacy

Extraordinary career connected learning bridges the economy and education by focusing on the opportunity, belief, skills, and readiness gaps. 
Opportunity Gap

Globalization and technological innovation are having a vast impact on the evolving workforce. Often, education struggles to understand labor market needs and the emerging careers available to our students. Students are not aware of the breadth of career opportunities open to them. It’s important to instill good career literacy strategies and resources that lead to the ability for students to flourish. 

Educator VR Experiences

Educators gaining hands-on experience with virtual reality headsets in the classroom.

OnDemand Career Connected Learning Foundations Certification

This certification is designed to help schools build a workforce-literate learning environment that prepares students for success.

By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and skills you need to create a learning environment that prepares students for success in the workforce, and to support them in their journey from education to career.

Making a Globe

Unleash Career Connected Learning

MindSpark’s data-driven methods strengthen educators’ understanding of how to translate educational experiences into economic opportunity. Compelling career connected learning is a blueprint for career literacy for the future of work:

Workforce Literacy

Harness agile methods that adapt to evolving market needs and lead to meaningful possibilities for every student.


Learning Continuum

Engage students in industry-led, work-based learning experiences across the K-12 spectrum to prepare them for jobs of the future.

Occupational Identity

Cultivate how students envision their future selves in the workforce at every stage of learning.

Career Connected Pathways

Foster the development of transportable skills that encourage students to pursue high priority career pathways.

Career Literacy Powered by Couragion

Virtual work-based learning experiences like Couragion guide students through a comprehensive process of learning about and interacting with high growth, high demand careers. This introduces them to opportunities they can pursue in the future, while teaching them the skills they need to succeed. 

Couragion’s career literacy platform is different from other career awareness solutions. It provides exposure to high priority careers, role models who mirror a diverse demographic, an engagement model that encourages self-exploration and self-reflection, and the ability to measure the positive impacts on students’ intention-confidence-motivation over time.  

STEM education
MindSpark industry partners
“I would just suggest you take the risk. It's different than traditional curriculum, but worth it. You'll see huge gains in engagement, teacher satisfaction, student satisfaction -- the joy and fun in the classroom is taken up a notch." 

- Nick Arvidson, Denver Public Schools

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